
3 Days Trip To Archaeological Sites Of Swat

The common perception about Swat valley among tourists is its natural beauty but Swat has a history of its own which dates back to 2nd & 3rd century AD. Swat was a major center of early Buddhists thought as part of the Gandhara civilization, and today is littered with ruins and monuments from that era. […]

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One Day Road Trip To Madyan, Bahrain & White Palace

Enjoy a perfect day escape to some of the most beautiful hill stations in Swat valley. Drive pass through scenic mountains, green landscapes and the mighty river Swat all the way throughout your journey. This road trip to madyan, Bahrain, White palace & Islampur village is designed for couple and groups of any size who […]

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5 Days Trip To Galiyat, Naran & Shogran

This 5 days trip to Galiyat & Naran is designed & planned in such a way that participants will have a chance to explore the most beautiful northern regions of Pakistan conveniently. The main attractions will be Naran valley, Shogran and Galiyat. Naran valley is one of the top 3 highly visited places in Pakistan. […]

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Trek to Kandol & Spin khwarh lake

Kandol lake & Spin khwarh lake have become hot favorite destination of many travel enthusiasts in recent past. Located in the north of Kalam towards Uthror valley, both Kandol & Spin khwar offers the extreme natural beauty to its visitors. Korbah.com has been offering this exciting opportunity to all the trekking and hiking lovers to […]

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Trek to Chukail meadows, Swat, 10700 ft

Chukail Banda (meadows) is located in the north of Mankial valley. Surrounded by picturesque summer pastures, these highlands have become a hot favorite travel destination for many tourists. The glorious peaks of Mankial overshadow the green pastures and gives an impression of protecting the valleys from bad omens. Chokail meadows is home to the famous […]

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